Dubrovnik Maskeron – Sight-SEA Croatia
What’s a gargoyle got to do with love?
Welcome aboard to those interested in sight-SEA-ing Croatia with Grandma (Baba). First up we have a fun find called the Dubrovnik Maskeron! There are a number of gargoyle heads protruding from the stone walls in Dubrovnik, but this one is Grandma’s favourite. The gargoyles were primarily used in the past to drain rainwater.
According to legend dating back to the Republic of Ragusa, the Dubrovnik Maskeron which resembles an owl, is said to bring love, but on one condition! You need to stand on top of the Maskeron, take your shirt off whilst balancing and facing the wall simultaneously. If Grandma can manage to do it, then so can you! At least give it a go…
The Dubrovnik Maskeron is located in Old Town Dubrovnik, on Stradun in Croatia. Upon entering the Old Town via Pile Gate, you will soon enter Stradun (the Venetian nickname for ‘Big Street’). Once on Stradun, you will find St. Saviour Church to the left, followed by a passage to visit the Franciscan Monastery and one of the oldest pharmacies in Europe. To the right of this passage is the Maskeron which protrudes out of the wall of the Franciscan Monastery.
It’s best to give it a go before the crowd kicks in, such as the early morning. Otherwise, you will notice a build up of people attempting to stand on the Dubrovnik Maskeron.
Stay tuned to sight-SEA more of Croatia!
P.S. While you’re on Stradun, check out My Grandma is Like the Sea children’s book in the Algebra bookstores.
Nala xx